
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Potter November Update

It's been awhile since I wrote in my blog, so I thought I would catch up for those that read this.

Jayce just finished football and is gearing up for wrestling. Pre-season practices start tonight and regular practice starts on Monday the 17th. So not much of a break, but it will work.

Jared lost a crew member to back injuries, and is back out in the fab shop. This means that he is working outside constantly and back on every install. But we both admitted that the hours are better.

I am just finishing up the yearly paperwork for our United Way Grant and am in the process of looking for other grants to be able to add more things to do around the facilities. I am also in the process of planning our yearly Thanksgiving get together. This year we decided, since we do it the Saturday after Thanksgiving every year, that almost two days in a row of traditional food, that we're going non-traditional this year and ordering Mexican food from a local restaurant. This will save so much preperation around the house. Just need to clean and set up the tables. And it's less money on our part. Always good to save money.

We had a scare with Jared, we thought he had a small heart attack. Turns out, thank goodness, it was another symptom of his hidla hernia. Another scary moment in our lives. On the other hand, I'm doing pretty good. I still have moments, but they are down to moments now, not days or weeks. And my stress level has come way down. I try not to take as much work home with me, as I noticed that contributes to alot of it too. I also am reconnecting with friends who I didn't get to spend as much time with before. It helps to have a bigger circle of friends and supporters. I've also been re-establishing my ability to embroider. I had said earlier that everyone was going to get something for Christmas. Yeah...I'm not as good as I remember. So I've been practicing on a rather large doiley, which has turned out to be very colorful and with alot of different stitches. But, again, it helps to practice and when it's done, I will feel like I can do some of the bigger projects I've put off for years.

Speaking of money...We finally got the house re-financed!!! We are so excited. Next is to pay off the car and get Jared a new rig to drive, since the "explosion" of the blazer. So many plans. Finally going to start on the back yard this spring, so that it's done before Jayce's graduation/birthday party on June 13th.

Right at this moment, I'm in the process of trying to find a cheap house to rent for a weekend with a couple of friends. We all really need it, and we made it another tradition about three years ago to do something like this. It's a relaxing break, playing cards, watching movies, etc.

Well that's all for now. Hope everyone who reads this has a great day!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It's been a busy week, and then I was late getting here this morning because Jayce has the flu. Poor guy, he went to his early class and then came home because he couldn't take it anymore.

Went to the doctor Monday morning. Jared was with me. The original point of our appointment was for aour three month check-up. Jared with his stomach issues and mine for my severe allergies. We got through all that and then Jared talked to her about me. Unfortunately this was our first appointment with our new doctor, our previous one got a job at the hospital in Vancouver two months ago, we were very saddened by this.

So anyway, we talked about what was stressing me out and we talked about some of the solutions like taking pills and seeing a therapist or counselor. All three of us decided that drugs are not the answer at this point in time. They may be later, but right now it's life issues that drugs are not going to help.

The majority of the problem is I let stress take over my life and then it becomes what it does. Because things have started to calm down and Jared is being very protective about what comes around me at the moment, including money, that we are going to give it a week and see how things go.

I am supposed to call my doctor on Monday and give her a report of my week and how things went and how I dealt with them and she said I have to, I will call her or email her every Monday.
She also told Jared that it's ok for me to talk to people that I consider close about whatever is causing stress at the moment, keeping it bottled up puts more pressure on things and causes more hurt than good, and that's when she thinks I become physically ill. And she suggested Jared and I spending more time with our close friends and to establish a better support system, as she agreed that the boys can't do that by themselves.

So there's this weeks report :) Today is a good day, except for Jayce being sick, and I have convidence in my abilities to overcome the issues that are troubling me and get back to my cheery & happy self.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I dont' want anyone to think that I use this site as a tool to get attention. This blogging actually is helping relieve some of my stress. Since I wrote yesterday I feel alittle better. However; Jared and I do have a doctors appointment Monday morning. Yesterday was a very bad day. I have had alot pile up on me in the last couple of days and I think my brain finally reached the overload point. All things in life happen for a reason, and I need to remember that and be willing to adjust accordingly.
I got alot of responses from people regarding my last blog. And to put minds at ease, Jared and I are going to the doctor on Monday morning. I'm not looking forward to it, but it obviously needs to be done.
I think the highlight in my day yesterday was when Jayce got home. He knew about my day and actually had been up with me since 6 that morning. I got a hug, asked how my day was, and was told he was worried about me. I think that's what puts life in perspective. Yesterday made me think what life would be like without him. I would probably cry alot more LOL.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I don't know what stress is like for anyone else. For me it's hell on earth. I get depressed, cry, hate everyone around me, I shake all over and make myself physically ill. I don't remember being this bad until a few years ago. I have anxiety attacks and can't be in large groups of people anymore. Things I used to enjoy, such as going to concerts, clubs and family gatherings have gotten very hard for me.
There are alot of things that cause stress for me. Unfortunately it's almost an everyday occurance for me for me now. If it's bad enough, it wakes me up in the middle of the night so that I can't go back to sleep. I can't explain why I do this. My biggest fear is being put on medication for it. I don't want to be a drugged out zombie because I can't handle crowds or my own checkbook. I don't want to be drugged up because I can't stand shoes in the middle of my floor or the dishes not being done. I'm tired of crying because I preceive things as being hard at the moment. I'm tired of burdening Jared with all my crazy fears and, well just plain craziness.
I can't really express my problems/fears/concerns with friends or family because Jared considers them a private family matter, and I think he likes to think that he can take care of them and make me better on his own. I love him so much for trying, but I'm afraid I might be driving him alittle insane at the same time. And Jayce, the light of my life, he certainly tries too. So I guess I answered my own dilema, I just keep talking to them, so that I don't get all bottled up and worse.

By the way; here's the updated schedule for football:
Sept 19 @ Fort Vancouver 7pm
Sept 26 @ Kelso 7pm
Oct 3 @ Kelso 7pm
Oct 11 @ Mt View 7pm
Oct 17 @ Heritage 4:30pm
Oct 24 @ Kelso 7pm - Homecoming
Oct 31 @ Battleground 7pm

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday Morning Blahs

Mind you before I really get going on this, I'm supposed to be cleaning because we're bbqing this afternoon when the boys get home from work. But I just can't bring myself to do anything yet.
I woke up this morning having my back hurt, and then walking into the kitchen seeing everything that hasn't been done in there, AHHHHHHHHHH. And on top of all of that, I haven't really upacked from the week at the beach. Our suitcases are still piled up in the corner of our bedroom and there is still food in the rubbermaid tote in the kitchen, there's also two bathroom bags, one in the hallway and one in the bathroom. The deck looks like someone just unloaded their car and threw everything out there. And the best part is, I don't even have a beer to drink while seething about all of this.
I have decided to hide out in the computer room for alittle while this morning. While Jayce watches TV in the living room and eats his breakfast. As usual I'm sure he's pretty anxious to get on the computer and check his email and his MySpace, as he's not to thrilled to do anything else this morning.
I was going to cook breakfast for him, but with no dishes clean to cook in, it makes it kind of hard. And who needs to cook when you have about 8 bags of cereal in the house.
Well this was one of my rants. I've been told that's what blog space is for.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

School Days

Well it's a new year in the Potter house and so much has changed since school got out last year.
Jayce has been working the majority of the summer for Alan's Green Thumb, Landscaping Service. He has been working on his four-runner, and has even learned how to drive in the sand at the beach now, with some excitement.
Jared is still working at NW Masonry as the Fab Shop Supervisor & Assistant Manager in the warehouse. It's alot of hours and very stressful for him, but he likes his job and loves the people he works with. We've been in the process of trying to fix his hidla hernia, only to find out his hidla hernia is doing good. We go in for the next step on September 22nd. He thinks it's his gallbaldder, I hope he's wrong.
I am still at the YMCA and loving it. I have made some great friends and finally have a job I enjoy. My leg is healing nicely and am finally cleared to start working out again.
Unfortunately after a trip up to the woods back in the beginning of May, we are now a two car family. I never thought that would be a problem until Jayce started driving full time. My goodness it makes a difference when you only have two cars and three people that need to go in three different directions. Jared decided he was going to have some fun in what was left of the snow while we were out in the woods with our friends Rob & Tammy. It didn't work out so good, but it's a good thing we have a spare motor, just sitting around, ha ha. Now it's just getting Jared to get it switched over.
We were blessed with being able to take a wonderful week vacation to the beach over the Fourth of July holiday. We went golfing, set off fireworks, Jared and I went shopping and we played on the beach. The only downside was when Jayce got a flat tire while driving on the beach. But it was easily fixed when we got home thanks to his soon to be step-dad.
When we got home, Jayce flew off to Corvallis for a week of wrestling camp. He didn't get much sleep, but said he learned alot and can't wait for wrestling season to start. I will keep you informed, but he usually only has a one week rest period between football and wrestling.
He came home and worked for a week and then flew off to California for another week with one of his best friends, Levi, for church camp. Another week of fun and frolicing for him. He was so excited to go, that we just couldn't tell him no. He made lots of new friends and had a great time. Although Jared and I were pretty lonely while he was gone, both times.
Football started August 20th. Lots of running, crankiness and being tired and sore. Not one of my favorite times. But he loves the sport, so what can you say?
We had a small hold up with being able to start football this year. Jayce mentioned to his doctor that he had a skip beat in his heart every once in awhile. So in a two week ordeal and having to wear, what's called a Holter Monitor, for 24 hours, he finally got his clearence to play September 4th. But because of a technicallity, he has to have 12 full contact practices in before he can play in a game. So tomorrow is our second game, and the second one he has to miss. It's very discouraging since he was at every practice and did everything but full contact. But I guess it's a good example of having to follow the rules.
The Potter's took their second vacation just last week. Again staying at the beach. Golfing, lunches, shuffleboard and alot of driving on the beach. It was very relaxing. I came back to work on Monday with a new purpose. Although, as always, I can't wait to be able to get to the beach again. I got very lucky to marry a man who loves the beach and the outdoors as much as I do.
So here's Jayce's football schedule. All games are at 7pm on Fridays.
Remember this is the last year you'll see him play for Kelso :) He should be able to play in next weeks game on the 20th.

Sept 12 - @ Battleground (Not Playing)
Sept 19 - @ Ft Vancouver
Sept 26 - @ Kelso
Oct 3 - @ Kelso
Oct 11 - @ Mt. View
Oct 18 - @ Heritage
Oct 24 - @ Kelso
Oct 31 - @ Battleground

Hope to see you out there!