
Thursday, September 18, 2008

I dont' want anyone to think that I use this site as a tool to get attention. This blogging actually is helping relieve some of my stress. Since I wrote yesterday I feel alittle better. However; Jared and I do have a doctors appointment Monday morning. Yesterday was a very bad day. I have had alot pile up on me in the last couple of days and I think my brain finally reached the overload point. All things in life happen for a reason, and I need to remember that and be willing to adjust accordingly.
I got alot of responses from people regarding my last blog. And to put minds at ease, Jared and I are going to the doctor on Monday morning. I'm not looking forward to it, but it obviously needs to be done.
I think the highlight in my day yesterday was when Jayce got home. He knew about my day and actually had been up with me since 6 that morning. I got a hug, asked how my day was, and was told he was worried about me. I think that's what puts life in perspective. Yesterday made me think what life would be like without him. I would probably cry alot more LOL.

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