
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I have offically been fundraising now for 3 years. Before I worked here, I helped out my previous employer where I could, learning the ropes and what to watch out for. I learned a lot from her.
Fundriaisng is not as easy as it seems. You put a lot of hours into it. There's:

  • Figuring out the event

  • Fidning a venue

  • Finding volunteers

  • Making contact for raffle & prize items

  • Pick up

  • Set up

  • And more...

In 3 years I have brought approximately $8,100.00 for various projects around the building. Most recently, the last year was all for Partners With Youth and Families Scholarship Campaign.

My bowling tournament is finally a success. I already have 9 teams lined up, and we're still a month out from the tournament. This is a good thing. I am competing with everyone else fundraising, including Relay For Life teams, which don't get me wrong I think they are all great and deserve community attention and outreach. But people don't realize that the smaller places like the YMCA, FISH, Link, etc. need community attention too. It's very stressful to hear rejection after rejection. It makes me feel like I'm failing, in a way.

So I've made a big decision. What I can't get donated, I will buy. Maybe, just maybe, those companies will remember me next year and be more apt to give or help out.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have not been feeling myself for almost a week now. I just ate my first meal since Sunday afternoon, this morning. When I get like this, I seem to put depressing status' on my Facebook that seem to alarm people. Well, when you don't feel good, you don't feel like being very positive. At least I don't. As usual, Jared believes the culprite is stress. I have a bad habit of letting stress get to me. Things were pretty rough there for awhile, but I managed to stay happy. Now things are getting better, and playing catch up on everything has gotten to me. And it's like everything knows there's the constant income in again, so we fix one thing, and four other things break. It's very, not only depressing, but stressful. The latest in this wonderful non-stop train, happens to be my mode of transportation. Yes, the four runner has finally decided it's had enough. Although it's an easy fix, it's definitely not a cheap one. And where does Jared find the time to do something like that for me with working anywhere from 40-65 hours a week, not including drive time. So far we are making due with him dropping me off and me getting a ride home. When the weather is clear, it's possible I can walk home. My other stress is work. As much as I enjoy my job, it's also very stressful to constantly live up to the boards expectations. Our board does not participate in very many events, or even sign their kids up for other than Youth Sports, but they expect the rest of the community to rally around them. I have changed my ways in the last six months though, taking off time to compensate for the over time put in. The first two years, I did not do this. Jared has had the last 4 weekends off in a row, this is very odd for his job, but we haven't complained. However, this is his last weekend, so we were going to go away for the night, by ourselves. According to him there was a surprise in store for me, I didn't even know where we were going. Unfortunately now, we are not able to go. It's irritating but understandable, so I'm not upset about that part. It was supposed to be a much needed break for just Jared and I, as we have realized this is something we need with all the hours he has been putting in at work. But it's hard to justify your needs over family. We have always jumped when family needed us, and we won't falter now. Well that's enough of my rants for now. Hopefully next time I write, I will have something more positive to say.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Today I find myself wanting to pull my hair out, so I decided to take a break and just type for myself for a bit.
I am in the process of putting together another fundraiser for the Y. It's this years bowling tournament. I had to change facilities due to the cost of running the event, and change the way the prizes were given out. But it's a constant event in our community so people are always giving, and willing to sign up a team, knowing the money goes to a good cause.
I am also in the process of doing the second of this years mailer for our annual schoalrship campaign. This is rough as it's thousands of letters, signing the letters, typing in names, lables, stuffing envelopes, etc. Thank goodness for the front desk willing to help with the last couple go-rounds. It has made not only my job easy and their day go by faster, it's helped the mailer go out faster so we are done on time. But, all in all, that's mostly my fault because I always think I need to do it myself. I have a hard time accepting help because then things get out of order and it most of the time takes longers. I think, however, that the front desk understands this of me now, and is able to do things how they are supposed to be done.
I also have Spring Break Camp starting on Monday. I have all the crafts set up, tomorrow I will have all the stuff for the back up crafts (in case we can't go to the park), all the packets are made, all the movies have been chosen, and we're set up for the movie "Megamind" on the big screen at the Kelso Theatre Pub with pizza and pop and unlimited popcorn for three hours on Friday. I had a mom sign up her two kids yesterday and she doesn't want them to leave the facility. I already want to refund her money, but I agreed I would call her first and see why she doesn't want the kids to leave. My guess, first time campers, never been dropped off before. I can't say to much about that, Jared and I were a lot like that when Jayce was young. His first camp was Cispus when he was in the 6th grade.
I guess the best part of this week is that Jared is on days and has another weekend off. And then again the same schedule next week. This is a rareity for us. We have some fun out of the house stuff planned and I am excited. Next weekend, my cousin is coming up from Hillsboro to take some family pictures at Lake Sacajawea. I'm really excited since I wasn't really excited about the YMCA fundraiser photos we just got back.
Well I guess that's all for today. I'm gona call that mom and set up a facility usage with a local church group. Always something going on :)

Monday, March 21, 2011


I had totally forgotten about this blog page, it's been so long since I posted.

Jared was hired in December at Georgia Pacific, Camas Mill, in December of 2010. He just recently finished his probationary time and is begining to work his way up already. Although it was nice having him home the last two years working around the house and what not, it was time to move on.

Jayce graduated from Kelso High School in June 2009 and proceeded to spend his next two summers fishing. It's what he loves, and I'm glad he was able to do it before plunging into the real world. He now is a full time Loader at Pro-Build here in Longview. I am fortunate enough to be able to work so close to him so we can spend out lunches together. Jayce also bought his first truck in January 2011. A lifted 2001 Silver Dodge Ram 1500. It's got everything he wanted, tow package, good tires, etc. Although the gas mileage could be better, but hey, I think we're all in that boat now.

As for me, I am still working at the SW WA Family YMCA as Administrative Assistant/Fundraising Director/Spring & Winter Camp Coordinator. A lot of titles, means a lot of work. But it's worth it in the end, as I think I finally found something I love doing. And the best part is, all the money I bring in goes to the kids. On the side I try to keep myself busy with new crafts and new ideas for my camps. This week I get to make all the crafts I have planned for Spring Break next week. I'm looking forward to it, and getting away from my desk for awhile.

As for my medical issues, that has been a rocky road, but I think we finally found pavement. My off and on stomach issues finally came to head in August of 2010. After almost three months of testing, it was finally discovered that my gallbladders was only working at a small percentage of what it was supposed too. Then they pushed out surgery as far as they could. But I was finally to get it all taken care of on November 15, 2010. There are still some minor problems, but nothing that can't be dealt with by diet and exercise. And if you know me, I haven't quite made it that far yet. :)

Jared and I have also added to our family since my last post. In January 2009 we brought home Zippy. Half Blue Healer, half Jack Russell Terrier. And Terrier (or Terror) is more like it. He's a whirlwind of energy all the time, only stopping to claim the majority of our bed at night. Then in October of 2010, we welcomed Logan, our Yellow Lab. Both the dogs are 2 years old and a good match for each other. We haven't tempted camping with them yet. I'm actually dreading it, they may have to go to daycare. ;)
Things are getting back on track after this whirlwind from the last two years. Financially speaking, maybe in a year or so we might finally be able to purchase some of those bigger items that we've had our eyes on for awhile. I can't wait and it will be great to move on.