
Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have not been feeling myself for almost a week now. I just ate my first meal since Sunday afternoon, this morning. When I get like this, I seem to put depressing status' on my Facebook that seem to alarm people. Well, when you don't feel good, you don't feel like being very positive. At least I don't. As usual, Jared believes the culprite is stress. I have a bad habit of letting stress get to me. Things were pretty rough there for awhile, but I managed to stay happy. Now things are getting better, and playing catch up on everything has gotten to me. And it's like everything knows there's the constant income in again, so we fix one thing, and four other things break. It's very, not only depressing, but stressful. The latest in this wonderful non-stop train, happens to be my mode of transportation. Yes, the four runner has finally decided it's had enough. Although it's an easy fix, it's definitely not a cheap one. And where does Jared find the time to do something like that for me with working anywhere from 40-65 hours a week, not including drive time. So far we are making due with him dropping me off and me getting a ride home. When the weather is clear, it's possible I can walk home. My other stress is work. As much as I enjoy my job, it's also very stressful to constantly live up to the boards expectations. Our board does not participate in very many events, or even sign their kids up for other than Youth Sports, but they expect the rest of the community to rally around them. I have changed my ways in the last six months though, taking off time to compensate for the over time put in. The first two years, I did not do this. Jared has had the last 4 weekends off in a row, this is very odd for his job, but we haven't complained. However, this is his last weekend, so we were going to go away for the night, by ourselves. According to him there was a surprise in store for me, I didn't even know where we were going. Unfortunately now, we are not able to go. It's irritating but understandable, so I'm not upset about that part. It was supposed to be a much needed break for just Jared and I, as we have realized this is something we need with all the hours he has been putting in at work. But it's hard to justify your needs over family. We have always jumped when family needed us, and we won't falter now. Well that's enough of my rants for now. Hopefully next time I write, I will have something more positive to say.

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